Finished planting our garden on August 31. Sweet corn is about knee high. Peas are up 5 inches, but are struggling in the heat. We're going to mulch them to see if that helps. Nemotodes may be affecting them, even though hubby treated for them. But we're really happy to see 2 long rows of carrots and beets coming along. Our spring crop of them was a bust---late start because of husband's surgery. He tried planting a couple of short rows of carrots in June inside the corn rows, and they did great, nearly ready to pull. So, guess carrots and beets will be relegated to the fall garden from now on.

I enlarged my swiss chard row, and plan to can as much of that as possible. Still have to transplant the cabbages, broccoli, and cauliflower, and plant some kale and collards.

Then all that is left to do is cross our fingers and hope that the first frost holds off until December!