My garden 2012
I started my own tomatoes and peppers this year. I planted 60 tomato plants! I gave a lot of the starts away. I guess I got carried away. haha. I started Amish Paste and they all died in a wind storm. None of the others seemed to be bothered so I will not try them again. I have Big Boys, Big Mama's, Fourth of July's. Red October's, Super Beefsteak, and I tried a rainbow heirloom mix that has Coustralee, Brandywine Pink, Golden Sunburst, Black Krim, Green Sausage and Djena Lee's Golden Girl. It will be interesting to see what does well. In my area the hybrids seem to tolerate the heat best.
I planted beets, rainbow carrots, lettuce, radishes, two types of cucumbers, two types of green beans, four different types of pepper plants (varying degrees of heat) and five types of summer squash.
Rainbow seems to be the theme this year.
I have a few almonds and pears on the trees I planted last year. My hollyhocks are doing well and the fire pit we put in last year has been a blast.