Bo, I agree with the old adage, "loose lips, sink ships", but I've never been much good at keeping secrets from my family... always been more of an open book, in a manner of speaking.
I feel the same about my ward family, so I make little to no effort to be secretive about my passion for being prepared.
Part of that is because I feel it's the only way to help others to prepare themselves better... much like sharing the Gospel... we have to open our mouths, can't hide our light under a bush, etc, etc.
I'm certainly not the end all, be all, in prepping, but for those that think they can take from others... I'd rather them come to me than someone else (and as mean as it may sound, that goes for members of the ward too), if anyone thinks to take from others by force, I'll be more than happy to be their "end all, be all".
Its unfortunate that so many have made a conscious decision to disregard the counsel given them, but if (when things go bad) they realize the error of their ways and come with hat in hand, we've been counseled to help them. And from my perspective, that will be an easy task.
It's those that come with an attitude and a gun in hand, that will be a sad and unsavory task to deal with... most I think would hesitate, where I will not.
I will either send those who think to steal and rob to the other side of the veil, or I will end up on the other side of the veil myself, but will do so protecting my family and good ward family members... in the manner which I feel the Lord would expect from me.