{Said in my best Maxwell Smart voice}

My goal this year was to produce 85% of all our family's veggie/fruit needs. Well, I just finished the last of my freezing, drying and canning (OK, not really, I still have tomato sauce to do, but won't get to that till week after next) and I tallied everything up.

I figure between now and when we start getting food from next year's garden will be 8 months. I have enough veggies for 54 servings/month. I wanted 60, that's 2 veggies a day. So I got about 90% of my veggies. I got enough fruit and fruit juice for 15 servings/month. That's 50% of what I wanted. Unless I add in the pie filling, I could have 3 apple pies/month and that would make 18 fruit servings/month or 60% of my goal. If I average the total of both fruits and veggies I got 75% if what we need (80% if I count the pie filling.)

OK, not perfect, but not bad.

Really, all I'll need to buy at the store this year are potatoes, carrots, onions and perhaps celery once in a while. And fresh veggies if I want a salad.

I've got:
Swiss Chard#
beet greens#
Brussel sprouts#
spaghetti squash@
yellow wax beans
lima beans#
tomatoes--sauce, salsa, stewed, and spaghetti sauce
patty pan squash*
Swiss chard stems*
snow peas#
green peas#

@-cold storage, to be canned or frozen in Jan or before they start going bad.
All others are canned.)

For fruit I have:
dried apples
apple juice
grape juice
apple pie filling

Then there's also:
pickled green tomatoes
pesto (frozen)
crab apple jelly
which I really didn't count in the totals.

and we still have enough fresh Swiss chard, patty pan, yellow zucchini and tomatoes (some green, some ripening) and broccoli for another week or more of veggies.

OK. Deep breath! Now I'm going to start cleaning my house, which hasn't seen clean for about 2 months!