The house we moved into has a very nice storage room. The drawback is that the previous owner built rather inefficient shelving for the room. It is a combination of 2x4, 2x3, 2x2 and particle board lumber. I am pretty sure that during any significant ground shaking, most of my food storage will end up on the ground.

I am planning on removing the existing shelving and building a much stronger setup anchored to the walls.

I will likely use dimensional lumber and plywood bearing mostly on the walls to reduce posts that interfere with larger storage bins.

Basically, I want shelves that will still be standing if and when the rest of my house collapses!

In our previous house, I built a system using industrial pallet racks that would have likey held the garage roof if the walls gave out. Unfortunately I don't have that kind of space in our current home.

Before I get going, I wanted to see if anyone on this site has expereince with other shelving materials. I have searched quite a bit and have found a lot of cheap metal shelving and flimsy particle board concepts that I do not like.

Any thoughts?