Because we are having frosts this week and then a killing frost on Fri I'm bringing in everything from the garden, starting with the tomatoes and Swiss chard last night. We got 95 lbs of ripe or ripening tomatoes and 60 lbs of green tomatoes. The ripe tomatoes are in the dehydrator right now and I'll put more in as they ripen. And of course we'll eat some of them. The boys are already asking for their favorite green tomato recipe:

-pickled tomatoes (I need to pick up some dill in town today because all the dill in the garden is dead.)
-piccalilli (14yo asked me to make it spicier this year.)
-green tomato pie ("how many green tomato pies can we have this year?")
-fried green tomatoes

And if any is left over I'll do a batch of green tomato mincemeat.