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Thread: Mexico City streets empty as swine flu toll climbs

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    Default Mexico City streets empty as swine flu toll climbs

    Mexico City streets empty as swine flu toll climbs

    By DAVID KOOP, Associated Press Writer David Koop, Associated Press Writer 2 hrs 21 mins ago - Yahoo News

    MEXICO CITY ? Churches stood empty Sunday in predominantly Roman Catholic Mexico City after services were canceled, and health workers screened airports and bus stations for people sickened by a new strain of swine flu that experts fear could become a global epidemic.

    Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said two more people died of swine flu overnight in the overcrowded capital, and three other deaths are suspected to have been caused by the strain. Another 73 more people were hospitalized with influenza, possibly swine flu.

    President Felipe Calderon has assumed new powers to isolate people infected with the deadly swine flu strain that health officials say has killed up to 86 people and likely sickened about 1,400 in the country since April 13.

    Six million masks have been handed out by soldiers, Calderon said, urging Mexicans to use in public and take other precautions, such as avoiding traditional greetings with a handshake and a kiss on the cheek. If you have flu symptons "and you don't go the doctor right away, it could have grave consequences," the president said.

    Calderon also pledged to continuously update the public "with openness and truthful information," in an attempt to defuse public anger that authorities did not act soon enough to contain the epidemic.

    The flu has spread far beyond Mexico's borders with 20 confirmed cases in five U.S. states and suspected cases as far away as New Zealand, Canada and France. The U.S. declared a public health emergency, providing for easier access to flu tests and medications, and enhanced surveillance along the U.S.-Mexico border.

    In Mexico, soldiers and health workers patrolled the capital's subway system, looking for possible flu cases. People were advised to seek medical attention if they suffered from symptoms including a fever of more than 100 degrees, body aches, coughing, a sore throat, respiratory congestion and, in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea.

    Markets and restaurants were nearly empty and all school-related activities were suspended in the capital and the states of Mexico and San Luis Potosi until May 6. Hundreds of public events from concerts to sports matches to were called off to keep people from congregating and spreading the virus in crowds. Zoos were closed and visits to juvenile correction centers were suspended.

    About a dozen federal police in blue surgical masks stood in front of Mexico City's Metropolitan Cathedral, which was nearly empty after a measure canceling services to avoid large concentrations of people. Mass was delivered over television and radio, with a sermon urging all faithful to pray for divine intervention against the epidemic.

    Johana Chavez, 22, said she showed up for her confirmation only to find a sign advising that all Masses, baptisms and confirmations were canceled until further notice.

    "We are all Catholic so this is a big step, closing the cathedral," she said, cradling a squirming infant in her arms. "The flu must be bad. I guess I'll have to come back later."

    Mexico City Health Secretary Armando Ahued said most of the fatalities involve victims who only sought medical help after the disease was well advanced.

    By Sunday, throngs of Mexicans were rushing to hospitals, some with just a fever.

    Mexico appears to have lost valuable days or weeks in detecting the new flu strain, a combination of pig, bird and human viruses that humans may have no natural immunity to. Health officials have since found cases across 16 states, half of Mexico.

    The first death was in southern Oaxaca state on April 13, but Mexico didn't send the first of 14 mucus samples to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention until April 18, around the same time it dispatched health teams to hospitals looking for patients with severe flu or pnuemonia-like symptoms.

    Those teams noticed something strange: The flu was killing people aged 20 to 40. Flu victims are usually either infants or the elderly. The Spanish flu pandemic, which killed at least 40 million people worldwide in 1918-19, also first struck otherwise healthy young adults.

    The World Health Organization on Saturday asked all countries to step up reporting and surveillance of the disease, as airports around the world were screening travelers from Mexico for flu symptoms. New Zealand's 10 students who were found "likely" to have swine flu had just come back from a school trip to Mexico.

    A team from the CDC was in Mexico to help set up detection testing for the swine flu strain, something Mexico previously lacked.

    Health authorities noticed a threefold spike in flu cases in late March and early April, but thought it was a late rebound in the December-February flu season.

    Testing at domestic labs did not alert doctors to the new strain. Health Secretary Jose Cordova acknowledged Mexican labs lacked the profiling data needed to detect the previously unknown strain.

    Even though U.S. labs detected the swine flu in California and Texas before last weekend, Mexican authorities as recently as Wednesday were referring to it as a late-season flu.

    But mid-afternoon Thursday, Mexico City Health Secretary Dr. Armando Ahued said, officials got a call "from the United States and Canada, the most important laboratories in the field, telling us this was a new virus."

    Asked why there were so many deaths in Mexico, and none so far among the U.S. cases, Cordova noted that the U.S. cases involved children ? who haven't been among the fatal cases in Mexico, either.

    "There are immune factors that are giving children some sort of defense, that is the only explanation we have," he said.

    Another factor may be that some Mexican patients may have delayed seeking medical help too long, Cordova said.

    Others are forced to work and leave their homes despite health concerns.

    Wearing two dirty, blue surgical masks she says she found and a heavy coat, Daniela Briseno swept garbage early Sunday morning from the streets in Mexico City.

    "This chill air must be doing me harm. I should be at home but I have a family to support," the 31-year-old said.

    Scientists have warned for years about the potential for a pandemic from viruses that mix genetic material from humans and animals.
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  2. #2
    Guardian of the Holy Grail signseeker's Avatar
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    Where's the photos? How'm I supposed to know if the streets are empty or not?
    Life's tough but it's tougher if you're stupid.

  3. #3
    Temporary visitor from another world Earthling's Avatar
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    Sheesh Sign - don't you believe the media?
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  4. #4
    Temporary visitor from another world Earthling's Avatar
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    OK - there are no photos cause "no one was on the street" to take them! Your job - if you decide to take it - is to get the photos! (Mission Impossible music played here)
    The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


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