here is an awesome crescent roll recipe for you - you can make several days ahead - very helpful on holidays:

Crescent Rolls

1 Tbsp. yeast (dissolved in ¼ c warm water and 1 tsp sugar)
1 cup milk warmed ½ cup butter, softened
1 tsp salt ½ cup sugar
4 eggs, beaten 4-6 cups flour

Combine all ingredients except flour. Add flour one cup at a time until you have a soft dough. Let rise until double in bowl or on countertop. Punch down. Let dough rest 10 minutes. Roll flat and spread softened butter all over. Cut into long crescent shape (triangle) rolls. A pizza cutter works great for this. Roll from wide end to small end. Makes about 2-3 dozen rolls. Place on greased or buttered cookie sheet and let rise for about an hour. Bake at 350 for 13-15 minutes and then brush butter over the top while warm. (If to be filled, put filling on rolled out dough, roll up and let rise second time.)

Refrigerator version: roll out the rolls, place them on cookie sheets, cover tightly with plastic wrap, and store in refrigerator for up to five days. Just take them out of the refrigerator about 3-4 hours ahead of time to get room temperature and then bake at 350 for about 13 minutes. Coat them with butter while warm.