View Full Version : question about powdered whole eggs

03-01-2011, 08:24 PM
I bought some powdered whole eggs about 3 years ago from an online bulk food website. The eggs came in a plastic bag w/no oxy pack in it, I put the eggs into a glass storage jar, where they have sat since. I did use them a couple of times about 2.5 yrs ago, but they kind of got pushed to the back of the cupboard and forgotten.

My question is, should I toss them or would they still be good to use? I would not be able to tell by smell if they have gone bad or not, because well, they smell like hard boiled eggs.

Noahs ARK
03-02-2011, 02:05 PM
Can you try them in a cake mix or something like that?

I doubt it would make you sick, but I'm no expert on dried eggs.

03-02-2011, 09:30 PM
Doubt is there's anything wrong with them. As Noah says, I'd try them in cake or muffins and see how they taste. Should be fine.

03-02-2011, 11:20 PM
I have a very good food storage book that has you use powdered eggs in lots of recipes - on a normal basis. I haven't tried the recipes out as I hate to open powdered eggs as they are sealed for long term storage.

I Can't Believe It is Food Storage - by Godfrey

I found my copy at Costco a few years ago but it is also at Deseret Book and on Amazon for $11.45. It is a pretty good book.


03-03-2011, 01:19 AM
Just a head's up since we're talkin powdered eggs here. Emergency Essentials has them on sale for $14 a #10 can if you buy 12 or more at a time. Plus that quantity qualifies you for free shipping (and you can add whatever else you want to the order and it all ships free.) I'm loving the group buy section at EE.

03-03-2011, 10:28 AM
Putting together an order for EE powdered eggs, just need 1 more can ordered to make 12. Been making some ph calls to members of my ward and so far only 3 have wanted to order any. The other orders are from my 3 daughters and myself.

To be honest, I'm just really sad for most of the members of my current ward. Most of them do not have food storage and I've heard every excuse ie no room to put it, not enough money to start, we don't like to eat that stuff, don't know how to use it, etc. Even when I try to point out that the Church has come out and said to start with a 3 month supply of the foods you do eat then add the basics, most just dismiss me. While reading Charsee's article to my hubby I mentioned that it would make a great Sacrament mtg talk, but most members would not even "hear" the message.

03-03-2011, 10:32 AM
I just ordered a book from EE on using the powdered eggs. Since my daughters are ordering some of the powdered eggs, I figured I better have some recipes/instructions available for them to learn how to use the eggs.

It was when I got the catalog in the mail the other day and saw that the powdered eggs were on sale that I remembered I had some in my cabinet.

03-03-2011, 12:02 PM
I know I sell the stuff so you may not deem me credible but... I have used powdered eggs for years so when I started selling thrive eggs I was shocked at how good they were. No weird smell and I use them in quiche etc and you cannot tell they are powdered eggs. I am not sure what they do different but I will never buy any other kind for now on.

See my web site at www.shelfreliance.com/cwitte (http://www.shelfreliance.com/cwitte) and contact me for the best price.