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04-15-2008, 05:39 PM
Research Shows the Effectiveness of Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils
Preliminary research at Brigham Young University recently found that the minimum inhibitory concentration of therapeutic-grade essential oils of Melissa and Turkish Oregano is extremely high. This means that it takes very little essential oil to accomplish a lot - and that the essential oil is highly effective.

In fact, research published by The Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association states that the vapors of 133 essential oils were screened in vitro for antibacterial activity against six test organisms that commonly infect respiratory systems: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus fecalis, Salmonella typhosa, and Mycobacterium avium. Results show that the essential oils of thyme, cinnamon, origanum (oregano) produced the largest zones of inhibition on all test organisms.

And, the University of Georgia reports that of 50 plant essential oils examined by Deans and Richie (1987), thyme oil was the most inhibitory against 25 genera of bacteria. In addition, it was found that Eugenol, a major constituent of clove oil, possesses significant antimicrobial activity. Farabood et. al. reported that a rosemary spice extract substantially inhibited the growth of S. typhimurium and Staph. Aureus.

Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D states:
"I expect that essential oils may someday prove a vital weapon in the fight against strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Lavender, thyme and tea-tree oils have been used for centuries as antiseptics; their chemical compounds appear to kill microbes on contact."
"Aromatherapy Offers Intriguing Possibilities" from

Dr. Andrew Weil's Self-Healing, Oct, l996, Watertown, MA.

Essential oils also work with the body to promote natural healing by stimulating and reinforcing the body's own mechanisms.

"Essential oils include muscle relaxants, digestive tonics, circulatory stimulants, and hormone precursors. Many repair injured cells; others carry away metabolic waste. In addition, a number of essential oils enhance immunity, working with the body to heal itself. They are capable of stimulating the production of phagocytes (white blood cells that attack invaders). And some are anti-toxic. Many essential oils have been proven effective against fungi and yeast, parasites and viruses. Others fight infection with amazing effectiveness, killing bacteria by disrupting their life cycle. And unlike conventional antibiotic drugs, essential oils are "probiotic": they kill pathogenic bacteria, but tend to leave beneficial bacteria intact because of cellular communication... Finally, bacteria typically do not acquire resistance to essential oils, as they so often do to antibiotic drugs."

Safe, Natural, and Free of Side-Effects
Therapeutic-grade essential oils benefit your respiratory system and your entire body in many ways by enhancing the natural functions of your body. That is because, unlike drugs, essential oils do not kill off the beneficial and necessary flora in the intestines. Nor do they make you drowsy or tired. They do not present a problem to your liver or kidneys, or put harsh chemicals into your bloodstream.

Instead, they are immune enhancing and support the body's natural defenses. Many have antiseptic qualities. They truly help the body heal itself by benefiting every cell, organ, and system.

Essential oils act in ways science is only now beginning to understand. Because of their unique structure, they are able to penetrate the cell membranes or your respiratory system - bringing vital oxygenating molecules and nutrients in, while moving toxins out. They support not only the respiratory system, but also the immune, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, and nervous systems.

The truth is, antibiotics are becoming increasingly ineffective in dealing with bacteria these days. If you have any doubts, read the Washington Post article, if we cannot count on antibiotics, what can we do?

"Bacteria More Resistant To Antibiotics" <!-- m -->http://www.therealessentials.com/bacteria.html (http://www.therealessentials.com/bacteria.html)<!-- m -->
"Antibiotic Ineffectiveness" <!-- m -->http://www.therealessentials.com/antibioticineff.html (http://www.therealessentials.com/antibioticineff.html)<!-- m -->

Common sense tells us we need to make sure our immune system remains strong and able to fight off potential dangers. Therapeutic-grade essential oils can be a big help in accomplishing this for our respiratory system and entire body.

The Power Behind Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils
High quality essential oils are extremely concentrated. When extracted at low temperature over many hours, they contain virtually all of the plant's healing nutrients, oxygenating molecules, amino acid precursors, coenzyme A factors, trace minerals, enzymes, vitamins, hormones and more. Because essential oils are so highly concentrated, they can be many, many times more potent than the herbs or plants from which they were derived.

Consider what Terry Friedmann, M.D. has to say;

"...Aromatherapy (essential oils) is one of the most powerful yet safe healing modalities we have today. It should be considered much more in healing."
Amazing as it may seem, research shows that essential oils penetrate every single cell of the body within 20 minutes - no matter where the oil is applied! That means a quick drop on the hand or on the feet is enough to reach every part of your body. A quick drop on the chest can reach the entire respiratory system in a matter of minutes.

Theraputic grade Essential Oils
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Unknown to the public, many essential oils in the United States today are heavily diluted and adulterated. But diluted and adulterated oils have very little therapeutic qualities. They can lead to toxicity and only give your body a short false change and cannot help your body heal or help you feel better. In many cases, they do more harm than good.

Only real therapeutic-grade essential oils have the unique properties it takes to help restore health and vitality. Only real therapeutic-grade essential oils kill viruses, fungi, and bacteria, on contact. Only real therapeutic-grade essential oils bring oxygen to each cell because they have the unique ability to penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout the blood and tissues, benefiting every cell, organ, and system.

Most oils in the U.S. are imported from France or other countries, where they are heavily thinned and adulterated.

During the last several years, according to the Lavender Growers Association, France has been exporting 100 times more Lavender oil than is actually grown in France. How can this be possible? Where could the extra oil be coming from? Obviously, only from being heavily thinned and diluted.
Of the few companies that do distill their own oils, most of them transport the herbs or plant material a considerable distance before the distillation. What does this mean to the oil? It means many of the volatile (and most valuable) oils evaporate away before the distillation has even started! And to add insult to injury, they are then "cooked" at high temperatures for short periods of time - not allowing the subtle, more therapeutic elements to ever surface.

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A couple of the companies that I have found and trust are Native American Nutritionals and Forever Green.

04-15-2008, 06:15 PM
I love Forever Young Essentail Oils...they are premium grade therapeudic grade oils. Dana is a master at this and knows his oils and what they will do. I trust his company totally.


04-16-2008, 03:51 PM
Some other sources of essential oils that have been recommended to me as being pure quality. The people recommending them know a lot more about EO's than me!

http://www.hqionline.com/hqi.php (http://www.hqionline.com/hqi.php)

http://www.essentialoils.cc/ (http://www.essentialoils.cc/)

http://www.primaveralife.com/eng/pro...lOils_feat.php (http://www.primaveralife.com/eng/products/EssentialOils_feat.php)

04-16-2008, 04:09 PM
When selecting Essentail Oils one needs to be careful of the quality of the grade. Know your lab tests to prove what they say.


04-22-2008, 09:21 AM
There is a new EO company (Utah based so probably MLM) that claims to have a better grade product than others. I found out about it because an aromatherapist on ebay was selling all of her Young Living products because she had tried this brand and found it superior. FWIW

Here is their price list.


04-22-2008, 10:38 AM
There is a new EO company (Utah based so probably MLM) that claims to have a better grade product than others. I found out about it because an aromatherapist on ebay was selling all of her Young Living products because she had tried this brand and found it superior. FWIW

Here is their price list.


From what I've heard, Young Living has sacrificed quality significantly the past few years. It's why Gary Young's brother, Dana, left to start his company (ForeverYoung), as well as a few others who have broken off (Health Quest International, for one). Consequently, I have never heard of Doterra. Can you tell us about their origin, please.

04-22-2008, 11:40 AM
From what I've heard, Young Living has sacrificed quality significantly the past few years. It's why Gary Young's brother, Dana, left to start his company (ForeverYoung), as well as a few others who have broken off (Health Quest International, for one). Consequently, I have never heard of Doterra. Can you tell us about their origin, please.

I don't know that this is true. We tried other oils than Young Living because of the cost. People in Young Living make just as good a case about how some of the breakoff's were started by people who wanted to dilute YL oils to gain better profits, but YL wouldn't do it. I have friends who claim to be good friends with those in charge of quality control and know that YL never lowers it quality standards. For that reason they stay with Young Living. However, occasionally we have looked at other oils together. She would muscle test and sometimes find one that worked for us. She is all for saving money over YL loyalty. She is not above a better deal I have no clue as to which companies it was. I first questioned YL based on one practitioner's claim that she noticed a difference in the quality of YL, so she started going to a different source. Yet, her oils gave my daughter headaches while YL oils worked beautifully. Because I trusted her I now have a nice selection of cheaper oils that never feel like the right one to use. I am sure there will be an occasion to use those oils to benefit someone even if they are not as effective as YL -- or perhaps, some of the other new companies' products.

I know some companies claim that they get their oils from the same source as YL. You and I may buy our groceries at the same store, but we may not have the same quality of food. That statement is meaningless unless the oils a reputably tested to determine the quality.

I hate MLM's but sometimes it is the only way to get certain products. I use YL because so far they consistent test better for us. sometimes we will find an oil that tests good from other companies, but the whole product line doesn't.

As for family disputes among the oil giants, I don't want to take sides. Pick the oils you want, but don't necessarily buy the whole story. I have no idea who to believe in this field, but you can't go by how "good & honest" the person, or particular Young, you are talking to feels. Charismatic people sometimes feel trustworthy when they are lying through their teeth. (My husband and I have been duped by some charismatic liars even after fasting and praying. We learned a lot, though.) I suspect the whole Young family is a Charismatic family. Maybe all those oils have raised their vibrational levels so that they just glow.

08-18-2008, 11:39 AM
I appreciated you mentioning BOTH muscle testing and vibrational levels in looking at essential oils.

It's unfortunate more folk are unaware of muscle testing as a tool the Lord has given to understanding our own body's response to a product or item or news blip, etc, etc . . . and how vibration is part of those interesting laws of "nature" that goes hand in glove with things of the spirit.

There could be a whole 'nother discussion on that alone. . . .


09-06-2008, 10:15 AM
It looks like this company tests the oils but you have to pay $500-1000 to get access to their database. I am very interested in buying from their "bulk" sales area and have a friend in the EO business but she produces EO products for dogs to prevent Parvo but she could buy it.

Buying by the lb. instead of by the teaspoon or two intrigues me. You do still have to have the dark bottles to pour these lb containers in once they are opened.

Has anyone ever bought from these people before?


09-06-2008, 11:00 AM
One drop of Peppermint oil into a glass of water when you have a stomach ache helps better than all of the Alka Seltzer I used to drink.

I also use Young Living oils and like to diffuse them. I like the smells. I've also used them for headaches and other things.

I've also been experimenting with them. My son pulled an ACL in his knee so we tried one there. He said his knee did feel much better the next morning.