View Full Version : New price list for Shelf Reliance/THRIVE foods

05-29-2011, 03:15 PM
The new price list for Shelf Reliance/THRIVE foods goes into effect June 1st. If anyone is interested in ordering anything at the lowest price possible please contact me no later than Tuesday. It ships right to you so it does not matter where you are located.

If you want me to send you samples I will be happy to do that but they won't get to you before the new prices take effect.

These are the highest quality and best tasting foods available and they come from the US not other countries.

Let me know- I am trying to reach a goal this month and am oh so close!

Cindy Witte

Shelf Reliance Independent Consultant
email; [email protected]
web page; www.cwitte.shelfreliance.com (http://www.cwitte.shelfreliance.com/)

PS Check out the Shelf Reliance YouTube channel to see lots of great videos showing you how to use many of our products.

www.youtube.com/user/ShelfReliance (http://www.youtube.com/user/ShelfReliance)