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View Full Version : Essential oils

05-08-2012, 11:08 PM
In my limited experience with essential oils, I have been very happy. I use shampoo that has essential oil, and I have had other good experiences with them. I've also read a lot of good things about them.
So it was an interesting experience to go to an MLM style meeting for essential oils tonight. I have a high opinion of essential oils, but sitting there it was like sitting in a bad infomercial. The product was sold so badly that if I hadn't already known about essential oils, I would have thought that they were selling snake oil.
No offense to the sellers, of course, and if this gets back to them, I'm sure they were trying their best, and maybe I was just in a bad mood. It was just such a weird experience to be sitting there with people trying to sell me stuff and getting a negative opinion of a product for which I have a lot of respect