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View Full Version : Another cool idea--Walipini

02-27-2013, 09:28 AM
Someone just sent me this: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Walipini_Underground_Greenhouses
Maybe you in Utah already know about it. It was developed by the Benson Institute and is taught in poor countries to help families be self-sufficient. Brilliant idea.
Follow the links to some great videos giving a tour of a Walipini.

02-27-2013, 10:52 AM
I have a friend that built a greenhouse that is very similar to this. He is a farmer so has access to a huge trencher that they use to dig trenches for water lines to their pivots. He dug trenches for three of the wall and just filled the trenches with cement - then with a back hoe/loader he dug the dirt out of the middle. Quick way to make three of the walls. The dirt from the middle was piled up on the north side then the fourth wall and the sloped wall of glass were framed in and he was done. He runs a drip system to water things and it all works really well.