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02-18-2008, 08:51 PM
Emergency Preparedness Seminar
?When the crisis occurs, preparation time is ended.?

Given By Tim Woolf ? one of America?s most knowledgeable authorities on being prepared in times of emergency, crisis, or disaster.

There is an untrue rumor that in time of emergency/disaster that the Bishops will gather all the food storage and we will share. Not true.

Those exempt from having food storage are: Missionaries and Military personnel.

What we need

CLEAN WATER: A minimum of 14 gallons per person for 2 weeks. And this is WAY too little. The body metabolism changes after a quake or disaster and you will need more to drink. And 14 gallons per week does not cover anything but drinking water. You will not be brushing your teeth or washing you hands with such a small amount.

Homeland Security and FEMA are saying everyone should have a minimum of 1 year supply of food and should have 3 months supply of every day food. This, of course, is what the church was saying before the government organizations began recommending such.

The price and demand for food storage is up. There are 10 times moer storing food, but not a larger quantity of freeze dried being produced.

WATER: You must use NEW containers. Plastic absorbs whatever was in it first and it will leach into your water. The preference is the blue water containers to control the growth of algae which results from light.

Algae is green, but isn?t harmfull, just unsightly. Green coolade will disguise it.

We use 72 gallons of water a day. We NEED 10 gallons per day. Rotate the water every year. Don?t store water containers on concrete floors or near anything like gas, paint, etc. as it will pick up the taste and could be harmful.

Any unclean water will need to be cleaned. Methods suggested have been: Boil, filter, iodine, Clorox.
Boil: 22 minutes at full rolling boil. Requires a lot of fuel for fire.
Filter: Too slow for large quantities. Iodine: Now hard to get because of illegal substances being produced with it. Thus it is illegal to have a large amount.
Clorox: 72 year old technology. It was the only source of chlorine on the market for many years. 1 year from manufacture date all the chlorine has evaporated and is gone through the plastic. At 6 months old 75% of the chlorine is gone.
Best Plan: powdered chlorine found at a spa store. The kind used for swimming pools. Must be high concentrate (97% or more) with very little other ingredients. It takes 24 hours to work. Use about 1/8 teaspoon per 55 gallons. 14 teaspoon if real dirty water is used. Get the chlorine test kit and if there is free floating chlorine after 24 hours, then the water is clean to drink. Don?t like the chlorine taste? Leave the lid off the container for 24 hours and the chlorine taste will dissipate.

There is an instrucment called a MSR (MIRX - Mirox) used by the military for water purification. It is about $150.00

In Honduras 9,000 people died in the hurricane. In the 5 weeks following, 35,000 people died from bad water.


All glass will be gone in an earth quake. (hurricane, tornado, etc.). If it is winter you will need to keep ONE room warm. For this you will need rolls of clear plastic (6 mil) and a manual staple gun and staples. Plastic will be worth a fortune in a disaster. Greenhouse plastic is heavier and good for 2 1/2 years, but is expensive.

Staple the plastic to the window inside and out. This causes dead air space between that will act like a thermal window. If and when the plastic rips, just put more over the top of it. The clear plastic will let in light. Kerosene lanterns are good for light as well as solar lights.

Fuel for heating:
Wood - requires too much (if you can see your back yard you don?t have enough).
Coal - is too dirty and gives of carbon monoxide.
Propane - gives off a lot of carbon monoxide if not vented properly.
Kerosene ? Good and can be made stable with additave.

For heating use a kerosene heater. They are relatively inexpensive (about $120) and are effective for heating a room or two. Brother Woolf was asked to have his family live without heat for one year. They did it by using kerosene heaters. Kerosene gives of carbon dioxide which isn?t harmful.

A 2300 BTU Kerosene heater will heat 1,000 Square Feet.

Two 55 gallon drums will be enough for one kerosene heater for one year (one winter). It MUST be kept off of concrete floors or it will not be good. You can extend the life 2 to 5 years in a drum with a diesel fuel additive such as Sta-bil that you get at Wal Mart in the automotive section.

We have been told by the church to have a 3 months supply of every day food. Food we normall eat such as peanut butter and jam, macaroni and cheese, etc. Be sure to rotate as most every day food will not be long term storage items.

Also have a true years supply of food. This should be grains, beans, rice, etc. You can cool on the top of most Kerosene heaters if it has a flat top. You can also use a Sun Oven.

Originally the Saints were told to have a 7 years supply, then is was reduced to 3 because people said it was too difficult to have so much. Then it was reduced to 3, then 2, and now one year supply and grow a garden. Heavenly Father has not changed his plan. We simply have not been obedient.

The government says to have a 72 hour ?bug out kit.? 92% of New Yorkers have a bug out kit. While not a bad idea, it?s not enough, (Katrina was proof of that) The brethren do not talk about a 72 hour kit. Join the Lords plan and get a years supply.

Freeze Dried vs Dehydrated. FD is more nutritious and tasty. Dehydrated is less expensive. You won?t care which you have in a crisis. You will just be glad to have food.

Wheat ? Store red or white hard wheat. In 1986 white wheat was invented by LDS. It is the most popular as it looks and feels most like white flour. It also has more protein than red wheat. 400 pounds is the minimal amount. The Germans stored 350 lbs of hard black grain per prisoner in Dachau and they were starving.

Lentils - get too hard and will ruin a grinder. A pressure cooker will soften them. ABC soup mix from the dry pack cannery is made without flavor so you have to add flavor. Bouillon cubes are good for that. A 5 gallon bucket of ABC soup mix has 300 servings. Store for starving neighbors.

Salt ? Use salt with minerals (Real Salt)

Showers ? Propane bottle type (small bottles). 23 bottles will take care of a family of 5.

Toilets ? Luggable Lu. Can get at Costco and use #10 garbage bags. If you don?t have a septic tank you will need toilet facilities.

Anything requiring batteries will also require rechargeable batteries. Use a Solar Charger. Ill charge 14 batteries in 2 hours (6 hours if cloudy). When you add batteries to the equation there is an increase of things you can do.

If you are not going to store food, you take the risk of losing your life and that of your family. The Saints in Nauvoo were told to store a years supply of food, but were not given a reason. When they were forced to leave Nauvoo, how much better off were those who had the food? (Church History in the Fullness of Times pg 310)

List of things to get:
Powdered Chlorine
Rolls of clear plastic (6 Mil)
Manual Staple Gun and Staples
Kerosene Heater and Kerosene (Two 55 gallon drums minimum)
Sta-bil (enough to treat Kerosene)
3 months supply of everyday now foods
1 year or more supply of basics (wheat, other grains, rice, beans, etc. Don?t forget cooking oil)
Garden seeds (I threw this in)

Here is a source for things listed in this talk. Neighborhood Necessities, Connie & Jim Cheney. Phone: (801)763-1096 Email: [email protected] You can also do an internet search
Solar light kit include 12 watt solar panel, super fast battery charger, very bright florescent lantern and 4 D NMH ultra high capacity batteries $299.00 (lantern alone $25.00 ? batteries D $8.70 ea, AA $2.15 ea, AA $2240/12 pack, C $5.20 ea. 9V $5.30 ea.

Kerosene Heater : 23.000 BTU heats 1,000 Sq. Ft $129.00
Hand Crank Blender: $74.00
Sid?s Chlorine Generator for water purification (Like the MSR): $65.00
Sun Oven: $219.00
Solar Generator: Available soon. Do internet search.
HotMan Shower: $139.00

02-29-2008, 11:37 AM
I have heard Tim Woolf speak three times and he is awesome. Don't miss his talks if you get a chance. Great notes Cherokee! One note however is that the Cheney's are no longer selling items he mentions in his talks. Tim gives out his email at his talks and you can email him to find out the new source for supplies. His email is [email protected]. Hope that helps!

09-17-2014, 11:17 PM

09-19-2014, 12:02 AM
"The government says to have a 72 hour "bug out kit." 92% of New Yorkers have a bug out kit. While not a bad idea, it's not enough, (Katrina was proof of that) The brethren do not talk about a 72 hour kit. Join the Lords plan and get a years supply."

Good quote.

09-20-2014, 09:15 AM
I know you were just quoting "government sources", and I know this is irrelevant to the topic, but do you (are does anybody else) think 92% of New Yorkers really have a 72 hr kit?
I think the government (as usual) just makes up numbers to fit the current propaganda they're trying to push.
Quite frankly I'd be really surprised if 2% of New Yorkers had any kind of preps at all (I mean those living in NY City... there are probably lots of folks in NY state that are squared away... except for the small error of choosing the wrong state to live in...:)).

09-20-2014, 06:47 PM
PS. Not dogging on New Yorkers, just the pervasive mindset of those living in a place that would outlaw handguns.

09-21-2014, 06:44 PM
I know you were just quoting "government sources", and I know this is irrelevant to the topic, but do you (are does anybody else) think 92% of New Yorkers really have a 72 hr kit?
I think the government (as usual) just makes up numbers to fit the current propaganda they're trying to push.
Quite frankly I'd be really surprised if 2% of New Yorkers had any kind of preps at all (I mean those living in NY City... there are probably lots of folks in NY state that are squared away... except for the small error of choosing the wrong state to live in...:)).
I'll dog on New Yorkers- :-) They each have a billy club in their 72 hour kit to take what ever they want from everyone else's kit. But in the end, you can't eat a billy club. :wink (2):

I have a hard time believing that stat too. Seems really too far out there.

09-22-2014, 12:49 AM
I know you were just quoting "government sources", and I know this is irrelevant to the topic, but do you (are does anybody else) think 92% of New Yorkers really have a 72 hr kit?
I think the government (as usual) just makes up numbers to fit the current propaganda they're trying to push.
Quite frankly I'd be really surprised if 2% of New Yorkers had any kind of preps at all (I mean those living in NY City... there are probably lots of folks in NY state that are squared away... except for the small error of choosing the wrong state to live in...:)).

I am the Ward Clerk in my Ward. We have people who haven't been to Church in the 4+ years I've been in this ward. But if you ask them, they are active members of the Church. In like manner, I think you'd find people in NYC (and elsewhere) who will self report that they have a "72-hour kit" or other such things when the 72-hour kit they have is a bag with their lunch and an extra water bottle or some other nonsense. I'd be shocked if 75% of active LDS in any one stake of the Church would have a 72-hour kit if the Church would suggest it.

09-22-2014, 07:43 AM
It is possible that 75% of a stake would have 72 hour kits. Our ward has a build a 72 hour kit every few years for an RS work meeting every few years. YOu go around and collect your cookies candy, etc. that were purchased from Sam's or Costco and fill your bag. :)

I am the Ward Clerk in my Ward. We have people who haven't been to Church in the 4+ years I've been in this ward. But if you ask them, they are active members of the Church. In like manner, I think you'd find people in NYC (and elsewhere) who will self report that they have a "72-hour kit" or other such things when the 72-hour kit they have is a bag with their lunch and an extra water bottle or some other nonsense. I'd be shocked if 75% of active LDS in any one stake of the Church would have a 72-hour kit if the Church would suggest it.

09-22-2014, 10:10 AM
I know that I'm going to sound like a heretic, but I don't think that the 72 hour kit should be the focus anyway. I think that food storage is much more important. For instance, on providentliving.org, I was not able to, in a quick survey, find any reference to a 72 hour kit, but I was able to find references to food storage. President Packer had the following to say about 72 hour kits:
"We need to make both temporal and spiritual preparation for the events prophesied at the time of the Second Coming. And the preparation most likely to be neglected is the one less visible and more difficult—the spiritual. A 72-hour kit of temporal supplies may prove valuable for earthly challenges, but, as the foolish virgins learned to their sorrow, a 24-hour kit of spiritual preparation is of greater and more enduring value."
And this is from a FAQ on the church website:
"What about 72-hour kits?

Church members are encouraged to prepare for adversity by building a basic supply of food, water, money, and, over time, longer-term supply items. Beyond this, Church members may choose to store additional items that could be of use during times of distress."
That's hardly a ringing endorsement of 72 hour kits. In fact, it would seem to lend credence to the theory that you should worry about your food storage first.
This quote is from President Ezra Taft Benson:
"From the standpoint of food production, storage, handling,
and the Lord’s counsel, wheat should have high priority.
Water, of course, is essential. Other basics could include
honey or sugar, legumes, milk products or substitutes, and
salt or its equivalent. The revelation to store food may be
as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding
the ark was to the people in the days of Noah."
So compare the counsel on 72 hour kits, which at best is a "nice to have" to food storage, which a prophet of the Lord told us would be as important to us as boarding the ark was in the days of Noah.
I'm not saying that 72 hour kits aren't a good idea. It's just I'm not sure they deserve the place of prominence they enjoy in the LDS preparedness community. I don't see them as a first step in preparedness. I see them as one of the many nice additions.

09-22-2014, 09:41 PM
I don't see them as a first step in preparedness. I see them as one of the many nice additions.

Or often as "good enough."

09-22-2014, 11:59 PM
I know that I'm going to sound like a heretic, but I don't think that the 72 hour kit should be the focus anyway.

totally agree. Church doesn't teach or suggest 72-hour kits. The government does. I think its more important to follow the teachings of the Church.