View Full Version : 1.25 Million Contract Mystery Flu In Ukraine As Flu Cases Spike In Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Norway, India And Canada

11-16-2009, 02:17 PM

1.25 Million Contract Mystery Flu In Ukraine As Flu Cases Spike In Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Norway, India And Canada

1.25 Million Contract Mystery Flu In Ukraine As Flu Cases Spike In Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Norway, India And Canada

<!-- Post Body Copy -->http://thebirdflupandemic.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Ukraine-mystery-H1N1-flu-destroying-the-lungs-150x150.jpghttp://thebirdflupandemic.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Swine-Flu-Panic-In-Ukraine-Belarus-Bulgaria-Serbia-150x150.jpg

The latest numbers out of Ukraine indicate that 1.25 million people have now contracted what is being called "the mystery flu". Over 65,000 of those have required hospitalization and 239 are officially reported to be dead. As the situation in Ukraine continues to become more dire, many health experts continue to be absolutely perplexed (http://www.recombinomics.com/News/11120902/Ukraine_239.html) as to why the WHO continues to refuse to release the sequences from the samples taken from patients in Ukraine well over a week ago. Meanwhile, there has been a dramatic spike in flu cases in neighboring countries such as Russia, Belarus and Bulgaria. In addition, a dramatic increase in flu cases is being reported in Serbia, Norway, India and Canada. In many of these nations there are reports of the flu virus absolutely disintegrating the lungs of patients just like it is doing in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Professor Viktor Bachinsky recently commented on the behavior of this mystery flu, and his assessment of this virus is very sobering.....
"The virus, which causes death, is very aggressive, it does not strike the trachea, but immediately gets into the lungs and causes heavy swelling and solid hemorrhage. Mixed types of parainfluenza and influenza A/N1N1 lead to this state. This is a very toxic strain, which has not yet answered to the treatment of the Ministry of Health."
So what in the world is going on there?
Hopefully world health authorities will have some answers for us soon.
Meanwhile flu cases across the globe continue to spike.....
*Thirty-five patients with "swine flu-like symptoms" have died in the last 45 days at just one hospital in India, and not one of them tested positive for the H1N1 swine flu (http://www.mid-day.com/news/2009/nov/051109-Sassoon-hospital-Swine-Flu-Casualities-Pune.htm).
*It is being reported that almost 17 percent of the population of Norway (http://ukraineplague.blogspot.com/2009/11/update-111109-544pm-900000-norwegians.html) has contracted the flu.
*A sudden spike in H1N1 deaths over the past week in Canada (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health/h1n1-swine-flu/second-h1n1-wave-takes-lethal-toll-on-canadians/article1361766/) is raising concerns that the pandemic virus is taking a far greater toll on Canadians during the "second wave" of this crisis.
*Russian Chief Public Health Official Gennady Onishchenko recently announced that most Russian regions are on the verge of a major flu epidemic (http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=14506359&PageNum=0).
*It is being reported that there are nearly a quarter of a million people seriously ill with the flu in Belarus (http://www.recombinomics.com/News/11100903/Belarus_QMillion.html), and indications are that patients there are dying the same kind of deaths that we are seeing in Ukraine.
*Serbia's health ministry has proclaimed an H1N1 swine flu epidemic (http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=1105497&lang=eng_news&cate_img=316.jpg&cate_rss=news_Health) in that nation, as flu panic causes a surge of garlic sales (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iUAA2GCLG-ftUe92AbU5GN4aC4vgD9BUMV9G5) at Belgrade's produce markets.
*A national swine flu epidemic has been declared by the Health Ministry in Bulgaria (http://paper.standartnews.com/en/article.php?d=2009-11-07&article=30069). Symptoms there include temperatures over 40C, severe pains in the bones and muscles, coughing, and the quick development of pneumonia.
But all of this has barely made a peep in the U.S. media. Is the U.S. media so incredibly self-centered that they consider these outbreaks unimportant, or has someone made a decision to keep these developments quiet for now?
In any event, a lot of people are getting sick and a lot of people are starting to die. Whatever this mystery flu is, it is quickly filling up the lungs of its victims before ultimately shredding them. People are dying absolutely horrifying deaths from this "hemorrhagic flu".
If you have any intel about the situation in Ukraine or anywhere else please feel free to post a comment below. Since the U.S. media is being so silent about all of this, it is absolutely vital that we all work together to get this information out.

11-16-2009, 09:22 PM
I asked my daughter in France about this flu & vaccine since the news they get is different than the U.S. She said:

"Only 21% of the French want to be vaccinated. A healthy 27 year old woman has been diagnosed with a central nervous system disorder after being vaccinated one week before. There has been a huge internet campaign against it.

There are rumors that this flu (porcine flu, flu A, H1N1, etc.) is the same as the Spanish Flu.... before it mutated. The media here has already made comparisons with the Spanish flu pandemic. The second wave of the pandemic, after the virus mutated, was more deadly. (Some interesting info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1918_flu_pandemic and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H1N1.) "

It is interesting that the French aren't rushing out to get the vaccine. :thumbsup: So despite the French jokes . . . they aren't as stupid as Americans on this issue.

11-17-2009, 08:21 AM
The "hemorrhagic flu"??? :shocked: What- like a cross between flu and Ebola? Oh, man.

11-17-2009, 09:56 AM
I have many friends over there who are scared spitless.

11-17-2009, 01:22 PM
I was getting ready to ask you what you were hearing.

11-17-2009, 01:25 PM
Supposedly the schools are going to open next week, but they may push that off if the illness is getting worse.
My friends are also getting cabin fever to various degrees.
I read an article where a doctor in western Ukraine was saying that, of two corpses he's examined that died from this, their lungs were as black as coal.